European PR, Influence and Social Media campaign
(for the license’s release in 2016 & 2017)
of European PR and Social media agencies, and coordination of the license partners: Hasbro, Nintendo, TV channels.
Contribute to position YO-KAI WATCH as a major kids license in France, UK, Germany, Spain and Italy.
the release, develop influence, reach early adopters in the first place
Create and recrute the community, build its loyalty through to a sustained communication all the year long.
Organization of a meet & greet with key influencers of the license.
Help the community to organize a flash-mob…
Community development on social networks:
pieces of press coverage in Europe between 2016 and 2017 in mainstream and business media, including 1500 in France: iTélé, BFM TV, LCI, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Télérama, France Info, RTL and main Kids medias.
cumulated followers on the 5 Twitter accounts (France, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy), without Ads budget.
fans on the Facebook page, managed in several languages
Minuit Douze is a Paris-based PR, Influence and Social Media agency dedicated to Entertainment (video games, toys and pop culture licenses) and high-tech.